UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Twohands Interactive to supply AR exercise platform to senior welfare centers
Twohands Interactive to supply AR exercise platform to senior welfare centers
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2021.12.22 17:55
  • 댓글 0
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Startup CEO Yoo Wang-yun says firm to supply simple, easy contents 
Image: Twohands Interactive
Image: Twohands Interactive

Augmented reality (AR) startup Twohands Interactive will supply its AR exercise platform Didim to senior welfare center, its CEO Yoo Wang-yun said.

Yoo said the company wanted to use its experience in developing casual games to develop contents that seniors can enjoy.

Didim is a kiosk comprised of a projector, a touch display, speakers and two lidar sensors.

The image from the projector and touch display on the floor interacts with each other to project augmented reality that customers can interact with.

Twohands Interactive has previously supplied the platform to schools, youth centers and sports centers.

A company spokesperson said the company is planning to add content for dementia prevention for senior citizens.

It will begin supplying the platform with the new contents next year, they added.

Didim offers various exercises and brain training contents. The startup is planning to add three to four content on the platform monthly going forward.

Up to four players can use Didim __ which is 6m horizontally and 4m vertically at the bottom __ simultaneously.

The two sensor arms of the platform can lengthen to 201cm in width and 42cm in length with a height of 163cm.

The platform weighs 49kg, while the projector offers Full HD (1920x1080) resolution with a brightness of 4000ansi. It offers a 1Gbps data transfer rate.

It can be synced with the Didim app on Google Play and the startup is planning to offer an iOS version soon.

A unit of Didim costs 20 million won. 

The Busan-based startup, founded in 2016, first launched a virtual reality baseball game in 2018 and launched Didm in 2000.

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