UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
Haesung Optics enters Samsung’s camera module supply chain 
Haesung Optics enters Samsung’s camera module supply chain 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.04.05 17:39
  • 댓글 0
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Company to supply sub for OIS
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Haesung Optics will be supplying a component to Samsung Electronics needed to make the optical image stabilization (OIS) actuator used smartphone camera modules, TheElec has learned.


The component maker will be supplying a component called sub, which will be provided to another camera module supplier to Samsung that will assemble it to an OIS actuator, sources said.


A sub is comprised of a printed circuit board, autofocus carrier, ball guide and lens holder. Adding the lends to this ‘sub’ is the final assembly process to make OIS actuators.

Haesung Optics currently has the ability to manufacture the complete OIS actuator but will only provide the sub, for now, the sources said. 

A sub accounts for up to 40% of the cost of a complete OIS actuator, which can cost up to US$3.

So far, Samsung Electro-Mechanics has accounted for 90% of Haesung Optics’ revenue and supplying directly to Samsung Electronics will allow the component maker to reduce this reliance.

Samsung Electronics is widening to the application of OIS to more smartphones in its roster. It had previously only applied the technology to flagship smartphones such as Galaxy S and Note series but it is now applying them in its mid-tier Galaxy A series.

Haesung Optics had exited the camera module and lens businesses in September last year. It had said it will focus only on OIS actuators going forward at the time.

The firm had halted the production of subs around that time and procured it from a supplier to make its OIS actuators.

But with the recent deal with Samsung Electronics, it is planning to restart manufacturing its own subs.

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