UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
Samsung to reduce number of cameras on Galaxy A series
Samsung to reduce number of cameras on Galaxy A series
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.07.21 15:18
  • 댓글 0
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Starting in 2023
To focus on upping specs
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung is planning to reduce the number of rear camera modules on its mid-tier Galaxy A series starting next year, TheElec has learned.

The company will most likely remove the depth camera that was considered underutilized and instead focus on increasing the specifications of the remaining cameras, sources said.

From this plan, Galaxy A24, A34 and A54 will sport triple cameras on their back from 2023.

The A24 will have a 50MP standard camera, an 8MP ultra-wide and a 5MP macro. The A34 will have a 48MP standard camera, an 8MP ultra-wide and a 5MP macro. The A54 will have a 50MP standard camera, a 5MP ultra-wide and a 5MP macro.

The 2022 version of these models __ A23, A33 and A53 __ had quad-camera setups.

Reducing the number of cameras allows Samsung to save cost while it also allows it to focus on the fundamentals.

Some had called the endless competition between smartphone makers to increase the number of cameras on their phones gimmicky.

The mid-tier Galaxy A models have also become Samsung’s best-selling models __ the three models combined sell around 60 million units annually __ in recent years and their quality is important for the company better compete with its Chinese rivals.

The South Korean tech giant had been launching more liquid crystal display (LCD) smartphones every year since 2018 as it expands its production of mid-tier phones.

It also began applying optical image stabilization (OIS) on its Galaxy A series last year to make them more attractive.

Galaxy A34 will likely launch in March next year followed by the Galaxy A54 in April.

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