UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Samsung Display and LG Display developing OLEDoS and LEDoS techs
Samsung Display and LG Display developing OLEDoS and LEDoS techs
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.08.08 18:23
  • 댓글 0
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OLEDoS for VR, LEDoS for AR
Image: LG Display
Image: LG Display

Samsung Display and LG Display were both developing OLED on silicon  (OLEDoS) and LED on silicon (LEDoS) technologies, TheElec has learned.

These microdisplay technologies are aimed to be applied to virtual and augmented reality devices.

A similar technology to these is liquid crystal on silicon, and these technologies make displays that are around 1-inch size out of silicon substrates, unlike conventional displays that use glass substrates.

Making displays by using silicon substrates allow them to reach ultra-high resolution despite the small size.

Japan’s Sony is currently the leader in OLEDoS and it uses white OLEDs and red, green and blue color filters.

Samsung Display is aiming to supply its OLEDoS to parent company Samsung in 2024 with a resolution of 3,000 pixels per inch (ppi) and 10,000nit brightness.

For LEDoS, the South Korean display panel maker is aiming for a resolution of 6,000 to 7,000ppi. OLEDoS is aimed at virtual reality devices and LEDoS is aimed at augmented reality devices.

LG Display started developing OLEDoS earlier for Apple but has now recently begun developing LEDoS technology as well.

The company’s OLEDoS is expected to be used in Cupertino’s first mixed reality device that will debut next year.

The OLEDoS inside the device will be supplied by Sony and the outer screen by LG Display.

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