UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
LG Display to unveil 20-inch OLED panel within the year
LG Display to unveil 20-inch OLED panel within the year
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.08.12 11:03
  • 댓글 0
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Company also to expand transparent OLED lineup
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

LG Display is planning to unveil a 20-inch OLED panel by the end of the year for application in personal devices.

LG Display vice president Kang Won-seok said during a forum hosted by the Korea Display Industry Association said demand for personal displays has risen during the pandemic and the new panel size is aimed at meeting this demand.

Kang also explained that for OLED panels aimed at gaming, it was seeking immersive reality in development whereas it wants to offer natural reality for its OLED panels aimed at conventional TV viewing.

For gaming OLED panels, which saw demand also increase during the pandemic, fast response time was the top priority while the company is also working to make sure the realistic resolution stays the same even when the surrounding environment is too bright.

LG Display was also working to secure a bendable OLED technology and was in talks with a customer for their development.

The technology will allow consumers to control the curvature of the screen depending on the game they are playing, the VP said.

Most consumers prefer a curvature between 800R to 1000R(equivalent to a circle with a radius of 1000mm).

LG Display’s Kang also said its white OLED technology was the only technology that can offer a bendable screen as it uses only one substrate.

Though he didn’t mention it directly, this is a jab at Samsung Display’s quantum dot OLED screen that uses two glass substrates.

Kang also said LG Display is planning to unveil a 77-inch transparent OLED screen next year.

Currently, the largest transparent OLED screen is 55-inch.

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