UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Qualitas expects revenue to over double in 2022
Qualitas expects revenue to over double in 2022
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.11.07 17:22
  • 댓글 0
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SerDes IP firm to expand into PCIe 6.0
Qualitas Semiconductor CEO Duho Kim Image: Qualitas Semiconductor
Qualitas Semiconductor CEO Duho Kim Image: Qualitas Semiconductor

Chip IP firm Qualitas Semiconductor was expecting its revenue to more than double this year, its CEO Duho Kim said.

The company, founded in 2017, specializes in interconnect IPs and had developed its own SerDes IPs.

SerDes technology serializes parallel data to transfer them through a single channel, then makes them parallel again.

It is in high demand in AI, high-performance computing, and other sectors that process huge quantities of data.

Qualitas has a SerDes IP that offers 112Gb/s second speed and is a collaborator of Samsung Foundry.

CEO Kim said the company has secured more customers in different areas such as display, camera, and autonomous driving, which is helping it increase its share in the market.

The company expects around 10 billion won in revenue from this, which is more than double its annual revenue of 3.9 billion last year, he said.

Qualitas currently licenses its IPs but is also developing its own chips using those IPs.

It is planning to launch active optical cable and retimer SoC as well as other chips.

The company is also planning to expand into PCIe 6.0, which PCI-SIG has selected to use multi-level signaling SerDes as its interconnect technology.

Kim said the interface is a must in mobile processors, AI chips, and any other areas that require memory.

Qualitas is therefore prioritizing the development of SerDes IP related to PCIe 6.0 at the current time, he said.

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