UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Winpac sees Q3 profit jump thanks to Samsung
Winpac sees Q3 profit jump thanks to Samsung
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.11.24 15:52
  • 댓글 0
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Order from tech giant rapidly increasing
Image: Winpac
Image: Winpac

Outsourced semiconductor assembly and test (OSAT) Winpac company recorded 40.5 billion won in revenue during the third quarter, a jump of 76% year-on-year.

The company also recorded an operating profit of 1.2 billion won __ a return to black from last year’s operating loss.

Winpac CEO Lee Han-gyu told TheElec that the boost comes from the increased order from Samsung, which the company believes will only increase going forward up to next year.

The company had so far relied on SK Hynix as its main revenue source but won Samsung as a customer this year.

Lee said while the current chip market is in a downturn, Winpac preemptively invested in areas that it expected to see high demand in and secured Samsung as a customer.

The preemptive spending on increasing capacity and ordering new equipment was done originally for SK Hynix but Samsung was more inclined to use them, the CEO said.

Revenue from the two memory chipmakers was level during the third quarter, Lee added.

Winpac is targeting annual revenue of over 200 billion won next year, he also said.

However, one contingency was SK Hynix reducing its orders as the company was in the middle of adjusting its spending plan due to the downturn in the memory chip market.

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