UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Unijet’s RGB inkjet tech for OLED chosen by government-backed project
Unijet’s RGB inkjet tech for OLED chosen by government-backed project
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.01.26 10:12
  • 댓글 0
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Company beats rivals to win deal
Image: Unijet
Image: Unijet

Inkjet printing company Unijet has been chosen as the supplier of RGB inkjet printers in a government-backed project.

South Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy, along with the local government of South Chungcheong Province, is leading a project dubbed Display Innovation Process Platform Building.

The 841 billion won project aims to create a display technology hub in South Chungcheong Province. 

Unijet was among three companies that made a bid as an RGB inkjet printer supplier to Chungnam Techno Park, the government entity leading the project.

The company scored 88.4 points out of hundred and beat its rivals Gosan Tech and Top Engineering, which scored 86.1 points and 85.4 points, respectively.

Unijet’s equipment has six head modules and an embedded dryer. It can consecutively print eight kinds of OLED materials on its own. This means a single unit of the equipment can make an organic thin film layer.

The company explained that it has its own platform technology called Uni Printed Electronics Control System that analyzes the ink drop in real-time. It also uses Unijet’s own algorithm that optimizes the amount of ink per spray and the order of spraying.

The equipment also comes with raw image data processing technology that minimizes the volume difference between the pixel and the ink droplet.

The dryer, which comes in a vacuum chamber form, also controls the coffee ring effect and Marangoni effect prevalent in inkjet.

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