UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Yes Power Technix starts new SiC power chip factory operation
Yes Power Technix starts new SiC power chip factory operation
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2023.03.22 18:21
  • 댓글 0
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Busan fab to triple production capacity
Image: Yes Power Technix
Image: Yes Power Technix

Yes Power Technix is expected to start operation of its new fab in Busan this month that will manufacture silicon carbide (SiC) power management IC, parent company SK Holdings said on Tuesday.

The four-story fab, which went into construction near the end of 2021, will manufacture 150mm SiC power management ICs.

Yes Power Technix already operates a fab in Pohang that manufactures 100mm and 150mm chips.

The new Busan fab will add 150mm 29,000 wafers per year in production capacity, from its current 10,000 wafers per year.

Yes Power Technix is also using high-resolution lithography machines and high-performance ion injectors and its new fab to make better-performing chips.

SiC power management ICs are in high demand as they offer better durability and voltage compared to those made with silicon.

They are especially in high demand in automotive and green energy sectors that require high durability.

According to analyst firm TrendForce, the worldwide SiC power management IC market was worth US$1.69 billion last year but will grow by 41.4% to be worth US$2.275 billion this year.

SK Holdings, which also owns memory chip giant SK Hynix, acquired Yes Power Technix last year with 124 billion won.

Its affiliate SK Siltron also began manufacturing 150mm SiC wafers last year which are supplied to Yes Power Technix.

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