UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
TC bonder market to grow as application in advanced packaging expands
TC bonder market to grow as application in advanced packaging expands
  • Roh Tae Min
  • 승인 2023.08.04 07:42
  • 댓글 0
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Besi, ASMPT, Hanmi all launching bonders
Image: Besi
Image: Besi

Competition in the advanced die bonder market is intensifying. Besi, ASMPT, and Hanmi Semiconductor have all announced expansion plans in the thermal compression (TC) bonder sector.

TC bonders are used to bond individual chips on processed wafers. They started to become in high demand with the launch of high bandwidth memory and DDR5.

Earlier this week, Hanmi Semiconductor opened a new bonder factory dedicated to TC bonders, a move made likely in anticipation of high demand.

For their HBM3 production, Samsung uses equipment from Besi, while SK Hynix uses those from ASMPT.

Besi is the leader in the field. The company not only offers TC bonders but hybrid bonding die bonders as well, the only company to offer the technology.

Meanwhile, ASMPT said it expects TC bonder market to show high growth starting in 2024. For its fiscal second quarter, in which it marked 3.9 billion Hong Kong Dollar in revenue, 20% of that came from advanced packaging.

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