UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Samsung Display may use inkjet printing for foldable OLED panel bezel
Samsung Display may use inkjet printing for foldable OLED panel bezel
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2024.01.29 15:46
  • 댓글 0
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Move aimed at saving cost
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung Display may use a different method to make the bezels of its foldable OLED panels this year, TheElec has learned.

The display panel maker is considering using inkjet printing to make the bezels of the new panels that will be on Samsung’s foldable phones launching later this year, sources said.

Samsung Display used supplier Segyung Hitech’s micro dry process decoration to make the bezels of its foldable OLED panels up to last year.

Micro dry process decoration, or MDD, was used to make the films that would later be cut off to form the bezels. The ink needed to make the bezels is already in the film.

Using inkjet printing, the film initially made is much longer compared to MDD, sources said, so more films that can become bezels can be cut out of the original film that was made.

This allows Samsung Display to save costs that can contribute to Samsung lowering the price tag of its foldable smartphones.

Samsung had consistently asked Samsung Display to reduce the cost of making their foldable OLED panels.

Meanwhile, the bezels of OLED panels are used to hide the internal circuits and components of the panels.

The bezel films are attached after the panels are encapsulated in thin films to protect them from oxygen and water. After the bezels are attached, the ultra-thin glasses are laminated on the panels to complete production.

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