UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Openedges sees revenue from TSMC foundry jump
Openedges sees revenue from TSMC foundry jump
  • Noh Tae Min 기자
  • 승인 2024.02.19 15:15
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung IP partner aiming to join Taiwanese chip giant’s alliance
Image: Openedges
Image: Openedges

South Korean chip IP firm Openedges said on Monday that it saw around a third of its revenue last year from Taiwanese chip giant TSMC’s value chain.

The company, a Samsung IP partner, said it recorded 6.3 billion won in revenue from its dealings with the Taiwanese foundry __ an increase of 82.5% from a year earlier.

It also saw revenue from Samsung Foundry increase to 10.9 billion won, a jump of 67.6% over the same period.

Openedges was founded in 2017 and the very next year became an IP partner to Samsung Foundry’s SAFE program, or Samsung Advanced Foundry Ecosystem program. Openedges began supplying its IP to TSMC in 2022.

These IPs usually deal with specific functions on a chip, or circuit block. As chip designs become more sophisticated, chipmakers like Samsung and TSMC are outsourcing these IPs from partners.

Chipmakers now usually design the core IPs and use secondary IPs from chip IP companies such as Synopsys, Cadence, Openedges, and Qualitas Semiconductors.

Openedges currently supplies its IP for memory controllers and physical layers (PHY) used on chips.

It also recently developed PHY IPs for Samsung Foundry’s 5-nanometer node __ it is the exclusive supplier of PHY IPs for LPDDR5X and LPDDR5 to Samsung.

Openedges also said it is planning to join TSMC’s IP Alliance, its counterpart of Samsung’s SAFE.

Openedges said joining the alliance will allow it to see a jump in orders from TSMC’s fabless customers. It was in talks with over 30 customers for deals, the company added.

Last year. Openedges recorded 18.9 billion won in revenue and 16.6 billion won in operating loss. However, for the fourth quarter alone, it recorded 13.1 billion won in revenue and 4.2 billion won in operating profit, its first time in the black since it went public.

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