UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Audi to end production of combustion engine vehicles by 2033
Audi to end production of combustion engine vehicles by 2033
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.06.23 17:32
  • 댓글 0
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German brand to only launch electric car models starting in 2026
Image: Audi
Image: Audi

German car brand Audi said on Tuesday that it will end the production of internal combustion engine cars by 2033.

The brand, a unit of Volkswagen, said it will also only launch new electric car models starting in 2026, Audi CEO Markus Duesmann said following a climate conference in Germany.

Audi’s decision likely comes from strengthened regulation against carbon emission around the world. Europe is planning to apply the Euro 7 standard that limits ammonia emission of combustion engine cars more stringently than before.

With the new e-tron GT2, RS e-tron GT3, Q4 e-tron, and Q4 Sportback e-tron models, Audi is already launching more electric cars than models with combustion engines this year, Duesmann stressed.

However, production of combustion engine cars will continue even after 2033 in China as there is expected to be continued demand for them there, the CEO said.

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